
First-class psychology
to help you and your team fly.

Find out why

Your business depends on your people.

They do the deals. They create your culture. And they find and keep your clients.

  • Happy workers are 13% more productive.

  • 1 in 3 of your fit notes will be for mental health reasons.

  • 83% of employees are more attracted to organisations with a progressive culture.

But behind every stat there's a story...

John, 39, junior Partner, smart yet flat

John loves the challenge of corporate work but he’s lost his mojo.

He's tired, lacking energy and a client has commented that he seems distracted. His senior partner raises this in his annual appraisal and he agrees to improve, but nothing changes...

Jasmin, 38, Director, driven & bullish

Jasmin is bright, ambitious and focussed. Clients like her clout, but she's exhausted and her team are intimidated.

The CEO is frustrated and tells her to let go a bit and let her team shine. Jasmin thinks "if you want a job doing well, do it yourself", and she has her eye firmly on promotion. The team are stuck. And there’s no help for Jasmin to change.

What's this costing you?

£2,646 per employee per year (Deloitte, 2022).

In reduced productivity and absence.

Add into the mix toxic teams and prickly behaviour with clients... and how long is a piece of string.

So how do you create a thriving team?

Do you see psychology as the fabric of your business?

What training do you run? Do you have a shared language? How many use your EAP for personal development? Usually not many, even in crisis.

There is a solution... fit for the 21st century...

Make mindset matter... Then change it.

Join The Circle Line and see how the psychology of Transactional Analysis can change you, your team and your culture.

For leaders

For businesses

For Founders

The experts

Pip: "Whether you're advising a client, delegating to a colleague or negotiating with a supplier, the quality of the transaction will influence the outcome; master the art of the transaction and the world is your oyster. If only I'd mastered this in my decades as a litigator and marketer.

Work and life, when you boil it down, is one giant string of transactions.

We specialise in Transactional Analysis ("TA"). TA reveals the patterns that create your culture and limit you & your business: What’s your Script? The Games you play? What are your Drivers?

  • It's one of the cornerstones of modern psychology. Internationally recognised and empirically-developed over 70 years.

  • There are only 900 Transactional Analysts in the UK (the TA qualification takes 3 years).

  • Research shows it works. (see here)."

Will: "I have over 25 years of experience delivering training and developing leaders and CEO's at large organisations in the private, public and voluntary sectors from HSBC, Ernst & Young, Stella McCartney, Morgan Stanley to UNICEF and the Fire Brigade. I also featured as a coach in Channel 4 documentary,  'Ballet Changed my Life' supporting the development of a group of marginalised young people to perform Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juliet, alongside Birmingham Royal Ballet.

I'm a go-getter, love technology and have been instrumental in the development of small start ups and larger SME’s through coaching, training and development of staff, managers and leaders."

Become a member

Join a community of progressive leaders and companies who recognise that their mindset is their competitive edge. Confidence, clarity and connection with colleagues, clients and yourself are your firepower - start improving them today.

Membership gives you access to…

Personality profile

Discover your power with the world's only Transactional Analysis app. Unlimited access to uncover your drivers, blockers and blindspots.

Magazine feature

Lead by example. Members are invited to share knowledge with The Circle Line magazine, contributing to the collective wisdom of what makes great culture and leadership.

Exclusive events

Join like-minded leaders in an atmosphere curated for growth and connection. Delve into psychological insights that fuel innovation and success.

1:1 sessions

Work with one of the UK’s elite pool of only 900 Transactional Analysts

1:1 personality profile

Complete face-to-face 360 profiling with a TA practitioner

1:1 Programme

A tailored experience working 1:1 with an Executive Analyst

Group Programme 

A bespoke team process of facilitated group sessions


Add rocket fuel with our immersive workshops & retreats.

How's your mindset?

For a snippet of insight, select the answer that feels the best fit. Don't think about it too much... just go with the flow.

(And don't worry - your data disappears. No one's looking.)

In our partners' words

"Without the human touch that The Circle Line brings, any mental health support service becomes just an arms-length benefit that most employees don’t use. The Circle Line know how to connect and talk to our people. They normalise the subject and ensure we see real uptake and benefit from our investment.”

Gary West, CEO, CitySprint UK

View Case Study

“The Circle Line really gives our people a safe space and a thoughtfully created experience.”

Alex Duell - VP People, Cutover

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"The Circle Line hosted a brilliant team session for the account management team at Spotify. Pip led an engaging, fun, and highly interactive session that left everyone feeling better connected and energised."

Jade Stanley, Global Lead of Heart & Soul at Spotify

"We'd been searching for the right business to support the team with personal growth and therapy as we feel it will have a meaningful impact on their lives - we found that with The Circle Line."

Thang Vo-Ta - Founder, Callaly

"So responsive to our needs... The high quality of their workshops, therapy and the research behind them, make them a really useful tool for the whole team."

Charly Young - CEO, The Girls' Network

View Case Study

"These guys are great to have. They go the extra mile to ensure that everyone has the support they need and even plug into Slack, becoming part of the furniture. A great resource for our team."

Craig Wills - Founder, Hi Mum Said Dad