Start-ups, founders, entrepreneurs

You can’t grow a business faster than you grow yourself

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Whether you are aware of it or not, when you start a business, you also embark on a journey of personal growth. Your mindset and your invisible blockers can become the rocket fuel or the road blocks to the course and success of your new business.

Founders come to us to build their confidence, clarity and connection with their self and others. These are the hidden keys to success.

Why founders come


"As a solo founder the pressure can be intense; high growth to tight timelines usually set by our VC means I work long hours and can neglect myself and my home life. This coupled with the doubt I can feel (am I cut out for this? am I a good enough leader?) stresses me out."

Feeling isolated

"I love the highs, the excitement and the creativity of your own startup but things are tough I rarely admit it. I don't want anyone to see our business as anything but going great guns, and I'd hate them to judge me as weak and not cut out for it. So I don't have anyone to open up to about my fears or challenges."

Co-founder conflict

"My co-founder complements my skills in so many ways but sometimes I feel tensions between us. We don't always agree but it can be hard to voice my concerns, particularly when things are their idea, and to get through our differences. They seem to just swim under the surface and rumble on."


elite athletes get professional help with their day-to-day emotional challenges


don’t feel they can be open about their stresses, fears & challenges


of startups fail due to the various issues of and between members of the founding team.

And the results...


Jane, 42

"On a scale of 1 to 10, I felt a zero at the start [before joining The Circle Line]. However, after several sessions, my answer grew to a 4, then 6, and now a resounding 10! I feel so much better and complete. I do still have days which are difficult, but I have tools and processes to lean on when those days happen. I've never been able to sleep through the night until now. Thank you Circle Line for what you do." 

David, 38

"Really useful indeed – we covered a lot of ground! So much to think about.... It’s such a good idea. Really different and really useful." 

Richard, CEO of marketing agency

The experts

Marina O'Connor, serial entrepreneur and Transactional Analyst psychotherapist:

"I'm a serial entrepreneur as well as a psychotherapist so have deep knowledge of the connection between the two. I have a background in developing businesses and decided to pivot my career to become a psychotherapist around 10 years ago. I now partner with VCs and entrepreneurs to facilitate the wellbeing of the start-up eco system, as well as own a mental health education business for working parents and a private psychotherapy practice.

Philippa Richardson, Founder of The Circle Line and Transactional Analyst psychotherapist:

"I coped with being a solo founder thanks to Transactional Analysis ("TA") - psychology's best kept secret. I discovered this framework when still in my previous career as a marketer, and what I discovered changed both my life and my business.

TA is your own personal 360 review. A method of psychology that focuses on your relationships and internal dialogues. TA reveals your patterns of thinking & behaving that limit you and your career: your Script, the Games you play, your Drivers. They were certainly holding me back! Thankfully I'm aware of them now so they limit me, and our business, far less."

As a team of dual entrepreneur-psychologists we are uniquely placed to offer evidence-based solutions to support VCs, founders and sole entrepreneurs.

Become a member

Join a community of modern founders who recognise that their mindset is their competitive edge. Confidence, clarity and connection with colleagues, clients and yourself are your firepower - start improving them today.

Membership (£150 / year) gives you access to…


1:1 sessions

Work with one of the UK’s elite pool of only 900 Transactional Analysts

1:1 personality profile

Complete face-to-face 360 profiling with a TA practitioner

1:1 Programme

A tailored experience working 1:1 with an Executive Analyst

Group Programme 

A bespoke team process of facilitated group sessions


Add rocket fuel with our immersive workshops & retreats.

The Founder Personality

Profile yours & your co-founders'

Success and prosperity in entrepreneurship require certain personality traits. Entrepreneurs are people who thrive with uncertainty and are familiar with risk-taking.

However, entrepreneurship has high correlations with relational difficulties, anxiety, depression, burnout and ADHD. Building a business can be both the most rewarding and emotionally draining experience, filled with the whole variety of stressors: relational, financial and health related. Understanding how you tick will stand you in good stead.

Craft your own Founder Growth Package

Entrepreneurs can disrupt markets without disrupting their relationships - with themselves and others.

We believe that many of the recurring issues can be prevented, addressed and that every startup and founder can benefit from having wellbeing support. Starting a company doesn't have to create long-term negative effects on your emotional wellbeing - in fact, your mindset can become your competitive advantage. 

That’s why we’ve created the Founder Growth Package, a unique targeted intervention you can craft yourself to include the elements that best suit your stage of growth:

  • Personality profiling

  • Personalised growth and support plan

  • 1:1 sessions

  • Team dynamics workshops; and

  • Tension and conflict resolution.

Want to be one of the 25%?

Only 25% of startups survive beyond the first five years.

Knowing yourself, looking after yourself and improving your team dynamics will help you make the cut.

As a member you're on the path to:

  • Performing better at work

  • Understanding your triggers

  • Managing your stress

  • Dealing better with conflict

  • Having more fulfilling relationships

  • Being a more effective, empathic leader

Sign up today to ignite and sustain your entrepreneurial spirit.