Want to enjoyLife more?

A psychotherapist-led community to help you fly.

You're fine

Life's just busy.

Stressful sometimes.

There’s another leak in the bathroom, or your year’s profit was distinctly average, or you’ve had a bust up with your son, or partner, or your mum’s had another fall, or you’re just feeling stressed for no apparent reason all the damn time.

How are you doing really?

Whether for home or work, join us to...

Manage your stress
Manage your stress

Stimulation is one thing; stress is another. Stress takes its toll on your work, your body and your relationships. It’s crucial to learn to spot your signs, know your limits and be able to regulate yourself.

Create better relationships
Create better relationships

Relationships aren’t so mysterious - when you understand them. Use our sessions and insights to develop your ability to connect.

Cope with conflict
Cope with conflict

Tension is sometimes unavoidable - it follows a path. We help you learn your patterns, spot your triggers and regulate your emotions to deal with disagreements like an adult.

Work smarter
Work smarter

Knowing how you tick means you can play to your strengths. Whether high performance means relating better with clients or getting your head down to focus, we can help you improve.

Be a better leader
Be a better leader

“When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!”

- Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher.

Learn this art right here.

Annual membership with our psychotherapist-led community gives you...

  • Elite pool of Executive Therapists

  • Expert-led experiential webinars

  • Monthly self-development emails

  • Pay as you go Therapy

  • Rich discussions at leader-only events

  • Priority list for our Personal Growth Accelerator

  • The 12 Tools for Life

  • Online personality profiling

  • Priority list for The Sound of Leadership Retreat

woman wearing black shirt

High quality


Now you can have someone who understands your lifestyle, what makes you tick and why you do what you do. Who’s always there, on your side, yet challenges you when you need it.

Our accredited psychotherapists and counsellors have real-world professional backgrounds and robust training in Transactional Analysis and therapy.

All have passed our 3-stage vetting process. This includes being observed live in action. So you know you're in good hands.



First session included in annual membership then PAYG.

Get matched

Our hand-picked therapists...

A curated pool of experts selected and vetted by us. Quality not quantity.

Meet some of our team.

Whether you're here to work on anxiety, your relationships, stress at work or your leadership style, we have someone for you.

Our Expertise

We’re a team of accredited psychotherapists with decades of real-world corporate experience who’ve designed a special process and community to help leaders bust their limits, in life and work.
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Philippa Richardson

Founder & Transactional Analyst Psychotherapist

“I think there comes a time in most of our lives where we need something more; support, a change, some answers. Whether you're here for help in your personal life or with managing clients, delegating or leading, the quality of your interactions will influence the quality of your life. Master the art of the transaction and the world is your oyster. ”

Transactional Analysis ("TA") is psychology's best kept secret. I discovered it when I was a head of marketing and, as an analytical ex-lawyer, it immediately appealed. What I discovered changed my life. Our 12 Tools for Life

  • TA is your own personal 360 review. It gives you a framework of tools, or models, to understand and improve your relationships and internal processes, revealing the patterns that limit you.

  • It's one of the cornerstones of modern psychology. Empirically-developed over 70 years, becoming internationally recognised.

  • There are only 900 Transactional Analysts in the UK (the TA qualification takes 3-5 years).

  • The Circle Line has the only digital TA platform in the world, where I’ve distilled the canon of decades of work into 12 Tools.

  • Research shows TA works (see here).

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Will Daniel-Braham

Leadership Coach & Transactional Analysis Psychotherapist

"I have over 25 years of experience delivering training and developing leaders and CEO's from start-ups to large organisations. I’ve worked in the private, public and voluntary sectors with leaders from HSBC, Ernst & Young, Stella McCartney, Morgan Stanley to UNICEF and the Fire Brigade.

I also featured as a coach in Channel 4 documentary, 'Ballet Changed my Life' supporting the development of a group of marginalised young people to perform Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juliet, alongside Birmingham Royal Ballet.

I'm a go-getter, love technology and have been instrumental in the development of small start ups and larger SME’s through coaching, training and the development of staff, managers and leaders."

"A CEO in a healthy mental state isn't just better personally. They're better for the organization and their surrounding network. People respond more favorably to leaders when they show compassion" - Forbes.

And yet...

"Over 80% of business leaders show fatigue, low motivation, mood swings, and sleep difficulties" - BUPA

How it works...

We've carefully crafted a unique process, creating your own personal 360 review.

Learn the secrets

Learn the secrets

Transactions dictate the course of our life. Everything we say and do after “Hello” is a transaction, whether your next line is “Not bad thanks, you?” or a quiet sigh. We constantly transact with others and with our self in our head - our success depends on how we do it.

We show you the hidden principles of how humans work - distilled into 12 illuminating tools, our “12 Tools for Life”.

Apply to you

Apply to you

Use The 12 Tools for Life and personality profiling to start to to apply the principles to your unique situations and relationships.

Here you start spotting the unhelpful patterns at play in your own life.

Talk to a pro

Talk to a pro

"If you want to go far, go together". Self-awareness and change require another person as an empathic "mirror".

1:1 Executive Therapy sessions offer a sandbox for reflection and practise. Browse our practitioners or use our online matching tool to find the right professional for you. Then book your 1:1 video sessions online, as and when you want, in the comfort of your own space.

Immerse yourself

Immerse yourself

There’s nothing like a live group experience to challenge us and open our mind.
Add rocket fuel to your journey with our two key in-person experiences - The Sound of Leadership retreat and our Personal Growth Accelerator.
Based on our 12 Tools for Life.

Learn the secrets, shift your mindset and...

Deal better with conflict

Be a more effective, empathic leader

Have more fulfilling relationships

Perform better at work

Manage your stress

Choose your starting point...

Annual Membership <br/> <br/> £180 per year

Annual Membership

£180 per year

Online Personality Profiling

Free quarterly webinars

Rich discussions at leader-only events

Elite pool of Executive Therapists

Executive Therapy <br/> <br/> £120 per session

Executive Therapy

£120 per session

1:1 sessions with...

Experienced qualified Transactional Analysts / psychotherapists

With rich professional experience

Personally vetted by us

6-month Personal Growth Accelerator <br/><br/>  £3,600

6-month Personal Growth Accelerator


Curated cohort of fellow leaders

Covering culture-building, team dynamics, personal drivers & blockers

6x 1:1 sessions

First workshop in-person in central London

Coming Soon!

The Sound of Leadership Retreat <br/> <br/> £4,900

The Sound of Leadership Retreat


5 days in UK countryside

Daily group workshops with Transactional Analyst

Brought to life by The London Mozart Players

6x 1:1 sessions