
First-class psychology
to help you and your team fly.

Life’s busy.

Stressful sometimes.

A client is about to walk but no one’s noticed, or your mum’s had a fall again, or your partner’s leaving, or you’ve had a bust up with a workmate, or there’s just stress, for no apparent reason, all the damn time.

How are you doing?

group of people

Top performers need top support

Join a community of like-minded leaders and businesses who recognise that their mindset is their competitive edge.

Confidence, clarity and connection with colleagues, clients and yourself are your firepower.

  • High quality 1:1 Executive Therapy

  • Psychotherapist-led workshops & events

  • Personality profiling

  • Leadership retreat

Join us

Our worldview dictates our success

Our wellbeing and success are heavily influenced by our mindset, our “Script”. It impacts our behaviour, our relationships and our choices.


I’m Ok, You’re Not Ok (one-up)

Arrogance or “knowing it all” can feel patronising and frustrate or annoy. Others may feel belittled or dismissed. Going into “fight” mode can alienate, intimidate and create tension.


I’m Not Ok, You’re Not Ok (all-down)

When you don’t trust yourself or anyone else, when no one is seen as “OK”, then things collapse. A person, culture or business without trust and respect is in trouble.

mindset script graph

I’m Ok, You’re Ok

All we think, say and do creates a complex web of interactions. Learning to approach life, friends, family and colleagues with trust & respect allows us to really enjoy it and use our full potential.


I’m Not Ok, You’re Ok (one-down)

Imposter syndrome, low self esteem, feeling powerless. or too much “Pleasing Others” can make you lack-lustre. Going into “flight” mode can hide your talents and hamper your efficacy.

Uncover your patterns to create success in the way you want...

Trusted by our members.

We work with individuals and teams, big and small, across industries - specialising in City law firms, scale-ups and purpose-led businesses.

Choose your journey with us...

hands on laptop

For Me

hands on laptop

For My Business